Frequently Asked Questions

Do you really offer a free computer recycling service?
Yes, we do offer a free IT recycling service in most cases. We do charge for certain items that are a cost to us to dispose of however this is always agreed upon before the collection is made. This is why we require a full list of what we are collecting. This way we can work out if what we are collecting will offset the costs of recycling the items we get charged for.
What’s the catch?
There is no catch and no hidden charges. We strongly believe that companies should be able to recycle their equipment for free using a licensed company such as WEEE-RecycleIT. We think it is wrong to charge businesses to remove their usable redundant equipment and then make money from the resale of it.
I have some working modern computers. Would you offer any money for them?
Yes, we offer to purchase any high end computers and laptops that you may have. We will only consider purchasing larger quantities and not one or two items. Please send a full list of the equipment including as much detail as possible and we will make an offer.
How do you make money out of a free service where there are obvious costs associated with it?
We make multiple collections per day and make our money by refurbishing as much of the equipment as possible and selling it. We repair what we can and what we can’t fix we strip down and recycle.
Is the equipment you collect shipped to the third world and reprocessed by very low paid workers who are not protected from harmful elements within the equipment?
No. We are an ethical company. We sell all the refurbished equipment in the UK. We do not ship a single item abroad. All the equipment that can’t be repaired is delivered in to a UK based Approved Authorised Treatment Facility (AATF) for further treatment and recycling.
I am very concerned about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) how do I know my data will be securely dealt with?
We share your concerns with regards to data protection and place great importance on data destruction. We offer a fully GDPR compliant on-site shredding service for customers who have sensitive data and wishing to witness their data devices being shred to fragments at their premises. We will shred all types of data bearing devices including hard drive’s, SSD’s, tapes (LTO and DAT) as well as phones, disks, CD’s and PCB’s.
As part of our data destruction policy ALL data bearing devices are removed from the equipment we collect and is digitally destroyed. If the device fails this section of the process it is then physically destroyed. Please see our Hard Drive Shredding page and also our On-site Shredding page for more details.
Which areas do you cover as we have offices throughout the UK?
We offer a nationwide collection service. However depending on the distance from our base we may have to charge if the equipment we are collecting doesn’t offset the cost of collection. In the main we do offer a free computer collection and recycling service to our most popular routes such as Avon and somerset, Birmingham, Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire and Wiltshire.
More Questions?
If you have a question that you feel isn’t answered in our FAQ section.